Runtown Banned from Entering USA – John Adumike

Runtown Banned from Entering USA – John Adumike

Reports have it that Douglas Jack Agu, popularly known as Runtown, has been banned from entering the United States of America.

According to the manager of his former record label, that is the main reason Runtown hasn’t performed or travelled out to the US for a while now.

In a video post, Johnson Adumike revealed that his label, Eric Manny got US visas for both Runtown and his brothers, but his brothers refused to come back when the visa expired thus, staying in America illegally.

In his words, ‘the  P-3 visa (which allows an artist or entertainer, individually or as a group, to enter the U.S) that Eric Many got for Runtown and his brothers to enter the United States has expired and Runtown’s brothers did not come back causing their visas to expire

Eric Many reported this incident to the United States immigration, so when Runtown and his mother went to reapply for their visas, they found out that they have been banned from travelling to the US simply because America believes that both he and his mother may decide not to come back again just like his brothers’.

Johnson also added that ‘karma always comes back for you when you bite the hand that feeds you’.

Below is a copy of the approval notice from the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service.

Video of John Adumike below:

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